Dr. Archana’s Research Group

Available Positions

  • Ph.D. Position
    We are constantly looking for outstanding motivated suitable applicant, who are interesting in taking challenges in the our research filed.For Ph.D. candidates with CSIR/UGC/ INSPIRE or Sponsored through any suitable institutes are encouraged to apply either through the AcSIR advertisement or contact us for inquiries.
  • Postdoc Position
    Postdoctoral applicants with their own funding may find vacancy frequently. Others may contact us to enquire about any possible vacancies.
  • Summer Internship (B.Sc./M.Sc./ B.Tech./M. Tech. final year students)
    We have vacancies for summer internship/semester internships for M.Sc./M.Tech. students.
If you are interested to join our team, please send us a motivated letter with your CV or contact one of the team members for more information.